20 Oktober 2009

Paravertebral Muscle spasm

Paravertebral Muscle spasm: Introduction

Spasm in the muscles of the either side of the midline of the spinous process.

Common Causes: Paravertebral Muscle spasm

Some of the possible common medical causes of Paravertebral Muscle spasm may include:

1)Spinal osteoblastoma

2)Paravertebral abscess



5)Cold abscess

6)Spinal compression

7)Drug reactions

Scoliosis :
Scoliosis is a musculoskeletal disorder in which there is a sideways curvature of the spine, or backbone. The bones that make up the spine are called vertebrae. Some people who have scoliosis require treatment. Other people, who have milder curves, may only need to visit their doctor for periodic observation.

Tumours :
The word "tumor" actually refers to any type of lump or swelling in the body. Although common parlance is to use the word "tumor" in relation to cancer, cancer is only one type of tumor (i.e. a malignant tumor), and other types include benign tumors, cysts, abscess, etc. The word "neoplasm" is often used as the medical term for any cell overgrowth, including benign neoplasm (non-cancerous) and malignant neoplasm (cancerous). Any type of tumor needs prompt professional medical investigation.

Cold abscess :
an abscess without heat or other usual signs of inflammation.
Source: Stedman's Medical Spellchecker, © 2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. All rights reserved.

Drug reactions :
These medical condition or symptom topics may be relevant to medical information for Drug reaction:

A negative reaction to a drug or medical procedure. The reaction can range from mild to life-threatening. It may also be called an adverse event or adverse effect. Adverse reaction are most commonly associated with medicine or substance use.

Other Causes: Paravertebral Muscle spasm

Some of the less common causes of Paravertebral Muscle spasm may include:

1)Injection of a local anaesthetic



4)Local anasthetic toxicity

5)Nerve injury

6)Total spinal anasthesia

7)Quadriceps muscle weakness

Misdiagnosis of Paravertebral Muscle spasm

Vitamin B12 deficiency under-diagnosed: The condition of Vitamin B12 deficiency is a possible misdiagnosis of various conditions, such as multiple sclerosis.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency: A deficiency of Vitamin B12 primarily causes anemias the body is unable to make sufficient quantities of normal red blood cells. Severe cases can lead to permanent nervous system problems. The vitamin B12 deficiency can result from absorption problems, insufficient dietary intake, certain medications (e.g. metformin), inherited conditions (e.g. transcobalamin deficiency) and certain chronic parasitic intestinal infestations.

Multiple Sclerosis:

Multiple sclerosis is a nerve or spinal cord disease that causes random damage to parts of the nervous system. The result is a diverse range of possible symptoms depending on which parts of the cord are damaged, and how often the inflammation reoccurs. Typical symptoms are any kind of tingling, numbness, burning sensations, "pins-and-needles" or other types of sensory changes in various parts of the body; also possible are vision changes.

Prognosis of multiple sclerosis is highly variable. Some people have very minor problems, whereas others can end up in a wheelchair, lose vision, or other nasty complications. It just depends which part of the spinal cord or nervous system is attacked. Some people have what is called a "single sclerosis" where there is only one incident of a sclerosis (lesion) on the spinal cord, and this may or may not progress to "multiple" sclerosis.

The cause of multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease, which means that the immune system is somehow triggered to mount an attack against its own good cells - in this case the cells that surround nerves.